How can I be accepted into IIMs with low academic standards?


The opportunity to study and learn in top management schools in India is a goal for many students. These schools are among the top locations to study the most recent concepts and techniques that are in constant development. It is possible to learn from the creme of the crop, i.e., the most brilliant minds that are in the country. The chances to develop and grow are higher than anywhere else.

To be admitted to these schools, you must be a hard worker with a solid academic background and some luck. The competition is increasing every year to secure admission into these colleges. You must be unique however, you must be the best to get that you get the call. You’ve probably had heard about the fact that 99+ percentage is the minimum requirement to join the most prestigious IIMs. However, many don’t know that in addition to having an impressive percentile, you must be a top academically to receive a phone call from the prestigious IIMs.

But what happens if you have an average or low academic record? Do you need to prepare for the test or give up the possibility of studying at the top colleges in the country? It’s true to a certain degree. It is possible to get admitted to the most prestigious B-school in India regardless of your academic record. This article will provide a few suggestions that you can follow to be accepted into IIM with bad academics.


The value of certification is vital. Possessing a valid certificate to MBA or your work expertise is all you require to show off during your interview following the CAT. A lot of IIMs appreciate the effort you put into getting this certificate. If you can prove the connection of the certificate to your profile, it is more straightforward to gain admission into your preferred IIM. You could, for instance, look at the example of a marketing or finance certification. If you’ve earned a certification in financial planning and capital strategy, risk management financial planning, marketing, or market research, you’ll surely gain an advantage over your peers.
Be sure to ensure that no matter what certification you pick for yourself, these certifications must be valid and current as per standards of education, as this will create an atmosphere of urgency and ease with the interviewer’s thoughts.

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Rich CV

You’re applying to the best B-schools, however, when you apply right after graduation you are likely to find that you aren’t getting practical training or direct experience of the lessons you’ve learned or what happens at the beginning. If you’re similar to yourself and are looking for an internship, it could change your life. But where and how can you locate the ideal job for you? It is possible to contact the hiring managers or browse the websites on Internshala. Hellointern, Internmatch Internmatch, and lets interns Find relevant and lucrative paid and unpaid jobs to ensure you are worthy of your college application. If practical and learning are important to you, pick a company to finish your internship. The big corporations, or MNCs, are the best choice for those who are focused on the brand’s image and financial gain. It is contingent on your needs.

Work Experience

Many times, we have applicants who are applying for an MBA right after graduating. This could be an incredibly costly error they’ve made when applying to business schools since the MBA will be a Master’s level program that has management as its main focus. If you have learned these strategies before applying, you will have more chances of being selected at your preferred school. It is important to be in the same area as you complete your MBA since this shows your commitment and clarity towards the profession and degree. It is also easier to find work in a related area after you’ve completed your master’s.

Social Etiquettes

With the rise of education, the need for empathy and sensitivity is growing. The majority of MNCs and corporate giants contain at minimum one non-profit organization or have joined with non-profit organizations to fulfill their social obligations. It is also possible to engage in a social event or volunteer for an organization that is socially responsible so that colleges aren’t afraid to employ an excellent student and a great person. It is possible to join a social or non-profit organization that offers certification of participation. Join the many social initiatives you can, as not only will increase your profile’s value but also make you an ethical person.

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Active Profile

What is an engaging or thrilling profile? A balanced profile between academic, social, or sporting achievements is considered an active and exciting profile. Create a diverse profile to demonstrate the variety in your work. In addition to your studies, you must be active in extracurricular activities, such as sporting events and other activities for entertainment. Colleges like S.P. Jain offer a particular advantage to athletes if they represent their college or school team at any level at national or district competitions. If you’re skilled at dancing, be part of the sport; if you’re singing, then you can become an organizing committee member. A wide range of fields can boost your image to a high degree.

Keep a routine of newspaper reading or a good news magazine to ensure that you don’t get slurred when you’re in the GD and PI rounds. Check out the latest news and events that relate to business and economic activities since, at the end of the day you’ll be enrolled at a business school, not a regular college. Be aware that having a great academic record is certainly beneficial, but that does not mean you can’t be accepted into your preferred school of IIM even if your academics aren’t great. Still, you can get admitted by following the methods that were mentioned earlier. Forget about how you can be accepted into IIM with poor grades and make sure you can score an excellent percentile.

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About Storify Go (Admin)

Hello! My name is Mr. Robert James. I am a content writer & full-time professional Web Designer and Developer specially WORDPRESS with vast experience. I started my graduation in 2014 and graduated in 2018. I'm a professional article and blog writer, has written dozens of content on different topics and worked with professionals all over the globe. My passion for exploring technology and gathering unique information for the benefit of others has led me to pursue a career in news reporting. I take pride in providing timely coverage of the latest news across Pakistan as a personal hobby and professional responsibility."

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