Common English Phrases We Bet You Are Saying Wrong

Common English Phrases

Do you feel you’re already a master of the English language?

You may be uttering some of the most common sayings incorrectly without even knowing it. As Americans struggle to learn other languages, mastering the native tongue should be easy once you know its common pitfalls.

However, learning where to start can make the task daunting. Our guide on a few English phrases can help. Continue reading below for the most common incorrect sayings around:load-image.jpg

“I Could Care Less”

One of the most common English phrases people often say is “I could care less.” They wish to imply they don’t want to care even a little about a specific subject.

By saying “I could care less,” you’re implying you care about the subject. The correct phrase is “I couldn’t care less,” meaning you already have no more care to give.

“Hunger Pains”

Even if your hunger gives you a tummy ache, it’s wrong to say you’re feeling “hunger pains.” Instead, use the phrase “hunger pangs” when you experience tummy discomfort because of hunger.

“First-come, First-serve”

“First-come, first-serve” is one of the most common English mistakes restaurants, hotels, and cinemas use. When you say “first-come, first-serve,” it means the first person to arrive at the venue will serve all the guests.

The correct phrase is “first-come, first-served,” meaning the first to arrive will get accommodated.

“Irregardless of”

“Irregardless” is one of those double negative English phrases. The correct phrase is “regardless of,” which means without regard for something. Adding the letters “ir” in the beginning translates to “without without regard,” making it redundant.


“Could Of/Should Of”

Many people say incorrect statements, but “could of/should of” is the trickiest. Listen to someone saying the contraction “could’ve/should’ve,” and it may sound like “could of/should of.”

“Plead the Fifth”

“Plead the Fifth” is what some people mistakenly say in the courtroom if they want to decline from answering questions with self-incriminating answers. The “Fifth” pertains to the U.S. Constitution’s Fifth Amendment.

You do not plead for it. Instead, you “take the Fifth.” If you wish to use “plea,” do so when saying, “I plead not guilty.”

“Doing a 360”

Some people praise others for turning their lives around and “doing a 360.” Turning 360 degrees means going around a circle until you come back to where you started.

If a person turned their life 360 degrees, they became good before eventually reverting. The correct phrase is “doing a 180,” turning your back from your current standing.

Keep these phrases in mind and visit to improve your grammar.

Start Saying English Phrases Correctly

Now you know some of the most common incorrect English phrases, you will be more careful when using them next time. You can also share your knowledge and save your friends from embarrassment.

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About David Sol

I'm Wissam Saddique, and I'm a blogger and content Writer. I've been on this exciting journey for about three years now, starting my blogging adventure back in 2020. As a dedicated blogger and content writer, I have had the privilege of exploring various topics and sharing my thoughts, experiences, and insights with my readers. Whether it's travel, technology, lifestyle, or any other area that piques my interest, I love diving deep into subjects and crafting engaging content.

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