Berries and Citrus Fruit Treat Male Impotency

Berries, Citrus Fruit, Impotency

Biochemicals found in berries and citrus fruit might help men maintain healthy erections, a new nutrition study recommended.

We associate foods rich in these flavonoids with reduced risk of ED, and researchers reported Januarys in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

These foods have in frequent is they’re very rich in flavonoids, substances found in almost all fruits and vegetables. This diverse group of chemicals is mainly essential for the eye-catching colors in our fruit and veggies.

In recent years, scientists have considered whether flavonoids’ antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties might help explain the health benefits of eating them. Some researchers have linked them with helping prevent cancer and improving heart health.

Berries and Citrus Fruit

Berries are the most valuable (rich in anthocyanins), followed by citrus fruits (rich in flavanones).

The primary source of anthocyanins, flavones, and flavanones are strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, grapes, red wine, apples, pears, cherries, and citrus.

Although there are no clinical trials, data suggests flavonoids can also improve blood pressure and blood flow and make our arteries more flexible.

Men who frequently consumed foods rich in these flavonoids were 10 percent less likely to suffer erectile dysfunction. In terms of numbers, we’re talking just a few portions a week.

The study only found a connection between flavonoid consumption and erectile function and not a cause-and-effect relationship.

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Other health experts said the study findings might result from men eating lots of fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy lifestyle.

Flavonoids might boost a man’s ability to achieve and maintain an erection by stimulating preserving his blood vessels’ health, the researchers said in background notes. Prior researches have shown that flavonoids can improve blood vessel function and reduce blood pressure.

The findings revealed that higher flavonoid intake was associating with a 14% reduction in the risk of ED. If exercise accompanies a flavonoid-rich diet, erectile dysfunction risk reduces by 21%. Treat your ED or Impotency problem by using Vidalista 60 and Sildalist.

Although the study’s findings have been criticizing by other researchers claiming they lack quantification, it reveals the importance of eating well and regularly exercising to improve health. The research reported in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recommends eating fruit and vegetables every day as part of a healthy and balanced diet. The study also showed that a healthy diet containing various flavonoid-rich foods with regular exercise has a cumulative effect.

How Do Berries & Citrus Fruits Boost Intimate Health in Men?

1: Control Erectile Dysfunction

The major problem with most men is ED. Most men don’t need to open up about their love life. Most men have thus continued to suffer from reduced desire. The condition gets worse as it impacts them mentally and psychologically. Intimacy is not just an act, but it has an excellent connection to the brain. If you are not stable and your mind is deep in thoughts over a problem, you will not enjoy intimacy. Many spouses complain and take a step to help their adamant men overcome their intimate life.

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The glorious news is that berries and citrus fruits can help your man improve theirs sensually. We believe flavonoids in these fruits are a perfect and natural remedy for Male Impotence or ED. Such flavonoids include flavones, anthocyanins, and flavanones. Apart from helping cure erectile dysfunction, these compounds are believed to prevent the condition from affecting men. Men who have citrus fruits and berries in their daily diet reduced the risk of ED by ten percent.

2: Reduce Heart Diseases and Better Blood Circulation

This biochemical effect was more significant in men at the middle age than those in their later years. Flavonoids help keep healthy blood vessels. It ensures proper blood flow to the body parts, such as the male reproductive organs and the brain. The fruits also help to reduce the prevalence of heart conditions like blood pressure. Enhanced blood flow to the male reproductive organs during intimacy leads to a better and firmer erection.

It also provides endurance and quality of erection throughout intimate intercourse. Proper circulation of blood also ensures the controlled flow of body fluids. Healthy men will control muscles around the male reproductive organs that control ejaculation. Also, Fruit will reduce the chances of early ejaculation. Foods can also prevent premature ejaculation that increases sensual stamina. It helps the tissues grow more robust and helps hold ejaculation for long enough.

3: Reduce Chances of Being Alcoholic

Absurd as it may sound, it is true. Biochemicals found in the fruits can contribute to decreasing the likelihood of smoking and drinking. Though the relationship is not clear, smoking and drinking are major contributing factors for ED. Hence, the need to include it into the daily meals as a fruit. With addicts smoking and drinking, they can consult the vast rehabilitation centers scattered in the various states. These remedies will also increase the chances of suffering from heart and related conditions.

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4: Use the Fruits together with Exercises

Men should not only focus on taking fruits for increased male impotency. Exercising is also essential. The exercises will help keep good health and thus better heart conditions. Activities improves proper blood flow. Some activities will also include stamina, making a man endure better in bed. It also increases flexibility, making a man better in the bedroom. Make your partner happy in the bedroom by using Vidalista 40 and Tadalista or Sildigra 100 or Prejac.

5: My Take

Over 50% of men over the age of 40 have erectile dysfunction problems, including ED. I am firmly convinced that they associate it with the damaging effects of metabolic syndrome.

Color in the diet makes food appear more appetizing and provides a wide variety of flavonoids needed to maintain health. There are over 660 flavonoids found in nature, and more are being discovered all the time. Of these, they know 60 to be essential to human health.


It is paramount to ensure that you have a correct diet. It will help maintain good health that will be an essential factor in your sensuality. Exercises are also important. They will contribute to reducing stress and enhance your sensuality by helping you boost your energy.

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