How to choose the right healthy kitten and where is it better to buy it?

cute kitten
cute kitten

Take your decision to buy a kitten seriously. This is the new family member you are now in charge of. So that the pet does not disappoint, brings only joy to the house, lives a long and happy life next to you, and takes a responsible approach to the choice.

How to determine if you are ready to buy a kitten

Before making a purchase, answer these questions:

  1. Do all family members want to have a cat? Talk to household members, warn them of your intention, listen to possible concerns and wishes. A pet is a responsibility. Its content will require the participation of all family members. It is important that everyone is ready to accept and care for the animal.
  2. Do your family members have cat allergies ? It is important to clarify this before the animal appears in the house.
  3. If you have other pets, will they be able to adopt a new animal? Some dogs perceive small kittens as prey. The baby himself, with his irrepressible energy and curiosity, can irritate sedate adult cats. And rodents and birds are dangerous to leave alone with a kitten.
  4. Do you have enough money for maintenance? It is important to analyze your budget, whether it is enough to keep your new pet. Consider the cat’s lifespan , the budget should be sufficient for the long term.
  5. Do you have enough time to devote it to your kitten? Assess your schedule. Analyze if your family has the opportunity not to leave the baby alone for a long time. Kittens need to be fed regularly, change their tray, and play with them.
  6. Will your kids be able to find a common language with a new pet? To make the life of young family members and the animal successful, choose a pet from the best cat breeds for children.

How to choose a kitten

You must decide on the desired breed and gender. The animal should be suitable for you in temperament, be healthy, socialized, have basic skills (eat independently, go to the tray).

If you choose a purebred pet, it is important to take a look at Persian cat prices in Delhi.  Following are some other things that you should consider before choosing a kitten

  • Do not buy from a photograph, guided by the characteristics of the seller.
  • Get to know the purchase candidates in advance, see what conditions they are contained in.
  • Look at the parents and other babies from the litter, compare them.
  • Do not hesitate to ask the seller, demand documents for the kitten and parents’ passports, the results of genetic tests.
  • Check the physical and mental health of the selected animal before purchasing.
  • Personally assess the conditions of detention and care.

How to choose the right healthy kitten

A healthy kitten is a guarantee that it will cause you fewer problems. Responsible sellers will not hide from you whether your baby has genetic or non-hereditary health problems.

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You should be able to examine the kitten before buying it, and show it to the veterinarian if you have any doubts about its state of health. This will help resolve issues with the seller if a candidate for purchase has any health problems.

How to check the health of a kitten

  • Examine the animal’s eyes. The look must be clear. The eyes are clear, without clouding, redness, discharge or tears.
  • Look into cat ears. They should be clean, without black crusts, redness, and dirty sulfur. There should be no unpleasant odor from the ears. Dirty ears speak of illness and unscrupulous care.
  • Look at the spout. It should be clean, free of ulcers and discharge.
  • The kitten’s coat should be clean, free of dandruff, traces of parasites, not rolled, smooth and shiny. An unpleasant odor should not emanate from it.
  • Look under the tail. There should be clean, no traces of diarrhea and worms.
  • Listen to your breathing. There should be no characteristic “whistle”.
  • The kitten should not constantly sneeze – this is a sign of illness.
  • Examine the skin. There should be no wounds, ulcers or dried crusts on the body.
  • Estimate the weight. The kitten should not be skinny or too fat. Too swollen belly may indicate the presence of worms .
  • Look into your mouth. No unpleasant odor should be emitted from the oral cavity. The number of teeth should correspond to the age of the animal. They must be clean.
  • Healthy kittens are cheerful and playful, without apathy, aggression and depression.

Where is the best place to buy a kitten

There are several ways to get a kitten:

  • pet store,
  • cellar,
  • from a registered breeder,
  • in the nursery,
  • at a cat show,
  • “Buy from hand”.

Pet shop and pet market

Pros of buying:
  • A wide variety of breeds.
  • Relatively low cost.
Cons of buying
  • It is always better to observe the kitten before buying in the place where he was born and lived the first months of his life in the company of his mother. This provides information about the animal’s health and temperament. Pet shops and pet markets do not provide this opportunity.
  • Kittens of different litters can be kept in the same cage. This increases their vulnerability to infections.
  • Not all shops and markets are strictly sanitary. Keeping in unsanitary conditions undermines the health of animals.
  • Kittens spend the whole day in cages, and many people pass by them. At night they are left alone in the dark. This causes great stress in the animals.
  • Sellers of shops and markets do not always vaccinate their animals, carry out antiparasitic treatment. And also they do not always have information about the parents and documents confirming the breed.
  • A kitten can live in a store for several months before being sold, which complicates its adaptation in a new family.
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Purchase “from hand”, according to the ad

Pros of buying:
  • Low price.
  • The ability to assess the conditions of detention, once in the seller’s house.
Cons of buying:
  • There is a high probability of buying a purebred kitten disguised as a purebred one.
  • Inability to confirm the breed with documents.
  • Inability to establish the exact origin of the kitten.

Registered breeder, cattery

The best way to buy a purebred kitten is to contact a nursery or a registered breeder. Conscientious breeders are responsible for the kittens they sell.

They are obliged to provide the buyer with the most detailed and reliable information and give answers to all questions. In addition, breeders should provide informational support to the buyer for the first time after purchasing a kitten.

Pros of buying:
  • Genuine pedigree.
  • The opportunity to get to know the parents and their documents.
  • Healthier kittens.
Cons of buying:
  • High cost, justified by the above advantages.

How to check a breeder

A registered breeder is the best place to buy a purebred cat. But you know what is the price of a cat in India. It is important to be able to distinguish between good and bad breeders. Next, we will tell you how to check a cat breeder for conscientiousness.

Conscientious breeder:

  1. Provides all comprehensive information about the object of sale and its parents in the ad. Uploads a lot of photos of the litter.
  2. Hides nothing, does not go away from questions about the breed and specific animals. Knows the distinctive features of the breed, what kind of birth defects it has.
  3. Encourages the buyer to meet with the kittens several times before buying.
  4. Keeps the cat and her offspring at home clean, warm. Provides comfortable upkeep and proper care.
  5. She feeds animals with high-quality balanced nutrition. Doesn’t skimp on the diet of animals.
  6. Insists on getting to know the kitten’s parents, gives all the information about the father and mother, Provides documents for them.
  7. Do not give kittens until they reach 2-3 months of age.
  8. Vaccinates kittens before transferring them to a new home, carries out antiparasitic treatment, examines a veterinarian, conducts genetic tests. Make a veterinary passport with all the marks.
  9. Provides early socialization of kittens and tells buyers about how it was carried out (adaptation to loud sounds, meeting strangers and other pets).
  10. Registers kittens in breed clubs. Issues supporting documents to the buyer.
  11. Reputable breeders participate in cat shows, they can confirm participation with documents.
  12. Doesn’t add value more than once a year.
  13. Provide information support to the buyer after the sale.
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Unscrupulous breeder:

  • Sells kittens that are under 2 months old.
  • Does not have clear answers to questions about the breed being sold. Avoid them.
  • Confused when answering a question about genetic breed defects, avoids answering.
  • Breeds too many breeds and contains large numbers of individuals in a confined space (overpopulation).
  • He says little about the character of the kitten, brags about titles a lot.
  • He speaks negatively about other breeders, and does not recommend buying from competitors.
  • Increases the cost due to the unusual color, non-standard size of the animal.
  • He is not interested in where you take the kitten, in what conditions you are going to keep him.
  • After the sale, he does not maintain contact with the buyer, is not interested in the life of the kitten, does not provide information support to the new owner.
  • Frequent changes in value, lack of a price list is a sign of fraud.
  • Does not register kittens, claims that this is optional.
  • Does not vaccinate kittens, does not carry out antiparasitic treatment.

Which is better: an adult cat or a kitten

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to take a kitten or an adult animal. In this case, questions of the appearance of the animal, its sex, breed recede into the background. It is important to take into account your temperament, age, marital status, having children, lifestyle, living conditions.

Yes, kittens are chosen more often, but only because they are adorable, cute, playful. Who doesn’t want to have such a “living toy”? But adult cats also have many advantages. And given the fact that many of them live to be 18-20 years old, you should not immediately refuse to take an adult cat or cat. They will have time to give you their love and affection.

Little kittens need more care and attention. The first time you need to spend on socializing pets, accustoming to life in a new place, teaching to walk in the tray, use a scratching post. They need a lot of veterinary support during the first year of life. The owners will be required to create a safe, comfortable space for active, inquisitive kids.

As a rule, adult cats no longer need to be taught to go to the toilet or use a scratching post. They don’t need to be fed with kitten milk as often as little kittens. You can get love, affection, and companionship from adult cats with much less effort. They are usually calmer and less active than restless kittens.

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