Many people applying for a Canadian Pardon may question the best way to complete the Measurable Benefit/Sustained Rehabilitation Form. It is one of the most important forms in one’s application and it is important that it is completed accurately. This is the only opportunity one will have to explain to the Parole Board of Canada (PBC) their “side to the story” so to speak, of their charge(s) and how and why they may benefit from a Pardon. This form also gives the applicant the opportunity to explain how they may have changed since their conviction(s). Here is a step-by-step guide to completing the Measurable Benefit/Sustained Rehabilitation Form.
First, keep in mind that you will want to take the time to explain yourself fully on this form. Be sure to fill in all sections of the Measurable Benefit/Sustained Rehabilitation Form, otherwise, the PBC will simply return your application to you. If you find yourself needing more room to explain, feel free to attach additional pages to the form, don’t be shy!
1. Clearly indicate how a Pardon would bring a measurable benefit to your life and how it would help sustain your rehabilitation into society as a law abiding citizen. Again, this is your chance to tell the PBC why you want and/or need a Pardon. According to National Pardon, measurable benefits can include:
• Obtaining employment/financial stability;
• Personal improvement;
• Obtaining residence/ improving your living conditions;
• Obtaining an education;
• Removing stigma/changing others perceptions or opinions of you.
It is not enough to just simply state one or two of these benefits; it is very critical that you fully explain how a Pardon would be beneficial to your life.
2. Describe all of the positive changes you’ve made in your life since your conviction(s). You can also confirm your statement by providing any supporting documentation you feel may be appropriate or really anything you feel may demonstrate your character as a person. The PBC wants you to explain what you’ve been doing in your life since your last conviction that would suggest you have been a law-abiding citizen. Positive changes might include:
• Improvement programs (counseling, anger management, rehab, etc.)
• Moving to another area/city
• Furthering education
• Separating oneself from negative influences
• Overall self improvement
There are a number of positive changes you may choose to include, and as long as you’re being honest, it shouldn’t be hard to explain yourself while also ensuring that this section is fully completed.
3. List each of your offenses and describe all of the circumstances as to how and why each offense was committed. The PBC already has the general information regarding your offenses, dates they occurred and sentences you received; they are now requesting a full explanation for each and every charge you have ever received regardless of the outcome. For example, if you were charged with driving under the influence of alcohol it would be important for you to explain where you were, what you were doing, how much you drank, where you were headed, etc.
4. Lastly, the final section is concerned with sexual offenses, if you have had any you are required to complete this section. It is also imperative for you to include the age of the victim(s) involved in the incident.
Now your Measurable Benefits/Sustained Rehabilitation Form is complete! Keep in mind, this is only one of the steps required in this nine step legal process. But before beginning your application, see if you qualify for a Canadian Pardon.