Bookasters case, why Book Reviews are Essential for Authors


Writing a book isn’t easy. It’s a continuous process in which you discover more about yourself as a writer and an act of slow improvement. The improvement comes from the ongoing relationship between the author and his readers. They provide guidance using book reviews.

Reviewing a book is the act of reading a book and evaluating the reading experience, writing style, strengths and weaknesses of the book. It can be short or long but the most important part of a book review is to make it constructive.

The Reasons:

Book reviews are a good marketing strategy to encourage readers to buy and recommend the book to other readers so that it reaches the right potential reader.

They help readers decide if the investment in a book they’re going to buy is worth it, especially when it’s the first time reading a book by a new author. Here’re a few more reasons:

1. Establishing a brand and increasing sales

There are a lot of genres any author can choose to write in, and for every genre, there are multiple readers that the author can target. Once you know your audience you can build trust and credibility. Also, It helps the book to perform well in the market.

2. Deep knowledge of the reader’s desires

Not only that book reviews serve as a tool to engage with more readers but also as a way to understand them more deeply.

They can answer a lot of questions for the authors like: was the character development significant, what is the most important, helpful, and entertaining part of the book. This process of listening to your audience is essential and will make a huge difference in the author’s next writing project.

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3. Improves writing.

Book reviews serve as a reflection for the authors. He can see how the community of readers interact with the book.

Authors can see how to develop and appreciate their readers’ desires. They can decide to make changes in the future to what their audience is demanding. Book reviews help see how the book is perceived and received. Afterwards, the author’s growth can occur and flourish.

 In the end, writing is a craft. It needs patience and effort. There’s no such thing as a perfect first draft. Any craft needs some insights that are different and there’s no better way than book reviews to do so for a writer.

We encourage all writers to do as William Faulkner said “Get it down. Take Chances. It may be bad, but it’s the only way you can do anything really good ”