6 Things Delivery Truck Drivers Should Never Do

Delivery Truck

Over the years, delivery trucks have grown in number on American roads thanks to giant companies like UPS, Amazon Prime, and FedEx. If you’re considering driving trucks, chances are you will end up with a delivery truck. 

It’s important to consider the differences between delivery jobs and other jobs, say, transporting lumber. As such, getting acquainted with some of the things delivery truck drivers should never do on the road is crucial.

This post highlights the absolute don’ts for delivery truck drivers.

  1. Don’t Get too Caught up on Policy

Courier companies have guidelines they love to see their drivers follow to the latter. These regulations are, for the most part, critical to the daily activities of the driver. They are meant to keep you safe and ensure you do your job well, but they aren’t foolproof.

When you rely entirely on what’s written for you, you stop using your judgment, and that can have negative consequences on the road.

It would be best to find a balance between what’s required of you and what makes sense in a particular situation.

  1. Don’t Just  Park Anywhere

The delivery job is challenging, and it requires dozens of stops. Almost everyone understands that you won’t find legal parking spots every time. In fact, delivery drivers end up breaking many parking rules because they don’t have a choice.

However, as difficult as it is to stick to parking guidelines, there are certain areas you should never park, such as in front of a fire hydrant or handicap spots.

Suppose you don’t have anywhere else to park, park on the street even if it blocks the traffic. You’ll only be there for a minute or so. Most of the time, you won’t get a ticket because that’s the nature of your job.

  1. Don’t Drive Tired or Sleepy
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Truck drivers have mandatory breaks stipulated by law, like the 30-minute break after an eight-hour drive. There’s also a 10-hour break after every work day.

Now, you may be using these breaks as you should, but you can’t exactly predict how a workday will affect you, and you can’t control what your body does.

You may feel exhausted or drowsy a few hours into your day. The best call would be to get off the road and rest until you’re in a position to resume work. Driving while sleepy is against the law, and you have the right to only get on the road when you’re fit to do so.

  1. Don’t Get Distracted

Delivery drivers don’t have much time for anything else during their runs. They are always on the clock.

In a work environment like that, getting distracted is out of the question because the consequences are many.

If you were to entertain things that cause distractions, you wouldn’t just harm your work, but you’ll cause problems on the road for others as well.

  1. Don’t Speed

Speeding doesn’t do anybody any good, regardless of the motor vehicle you’re driving. It’s considered reckless driving by the law and puts others and yourself at risk.

While it’s common to see FedEx, UPS, and other delivery trucks going a little too fast in a bid to make time, it’s not the norm. These drivers are the reckless few who are risking accidents on the road. 

The majority of drivers working for established courier companies are well-trained and disciplined. 

  1. Don’t Lose Your Temper
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Road rage happens quite often for many reasons. As a delivery truck driver, you may find yourself in a road rage situation because of the nature of your job. 

You may be forced to block the traffic for a couple of minutes during your stops, which may upset other drivers. You really can’t control people’s reactions to what you do. 

Basically, sooner or later, you’ll piss somebody off. Whatever happens, don’t engage in an exchange.

Verbal abuse is something you can ignore and go about your day. However, if you feel like the attack is getting physical or involves reckless driving, call the authorities and report what’s happening.


Most of the tips in this list still apply even if you’re not driving a delivery truck. They are meant to ensure your safety and that of other road users. But these points become even more necessary when it comes to driving delivery trucks.

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