10 Geography Fun Facts about the world

Geography Fun Facts
Geography Fun Facts

Do you very much want to venture to the far corners of the planet or simply watch public geographic or the disclosure channel? Provided that this is true you will cherish these Geography fun Facts. For the more great fun facts visit

A 12,000-meter-deep hole on earth

deep hole on earth
deep hole on earth

The Kola Superdeep Borehole is the deepest hole on the planet, estimating 12,261 meters. This hole was man-made by the Soviet Association during a logical penetrating venture that was, in the end, halted because of perilous temperatures inside the hole. It was recorded that a few temperatures arrived at 180C. This implies that if the temperatures were great, the earth would have a more deep hole than 12,261 meters today!

Unowned Antarctica

Unowned Antarctica
Unowned Antarctica

Antarctica, the land canvassed in ice and cold waters, isn’t possessed or claimed by anybody or any country. It is just represented by a select number of incredible countries that save the landmass for research and logical examinations. Voyage delivers brimming with vacationers go here through the Antarctic Promontory as it is an incredible fascination for some.

Russia has eleven time zones

Russia has eleven time zones
Russia has eleven time zones

Russia is the biggest country on the planet by a wide margin. Indeed, even with the little populace, it is around 17 million square kilometers in the zone. Because of this gigantic size, Russia has eleven time zones in the entire country. This implies that individuals could be awakening at one side of the nation while others are getting ready to rest on the other.

Istanbul City is shared across two continents.

Istanbul City is shared across two continents.
Istanbul City is shared across two continents.

Istanbul is shared across Asia and Europe. This is an intriguing, fun reality because the people who need to visit Istanbul may very well have the chance of visiting two landmasses simultaneously. They will just have to guarantee they go round the entire city and their fantasies would be substantial.

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Record-breaking time zones

In certain nations, morning and evening could be simultaneously, simply various locales yet a similar country. France holds the record with 12 time zones, trailed by Russia and the US with 11 time zones each. This is incredible as one could be awakening for work while the other at the furthest finish of the nation get ready to rest.

Sahar desert can snow

Sahar desert can snow
Sahar desert can snow

Even though the Sahara Desert is known for its very warm climate and daylight, snowfalls here. For example, in January 2018, the Sahara Desert experience the third ever snowfall. The most punctual snowfall was in 1979 followed by 2016.

The island within a lake on an island within a lake

Lake Taal in the Philippines is situated in Luzon Island inside Fountain of liquid magma Island on Pit Lake. To observe this astonishing reality, make certain to design a movement to the Philippines. Awesome!

Shortest flight in the world

Shortest flight in the world
Shortest flight in the world

Many people rarely fancy long flights as they end up being awkward. What about taking a flight that is just one and a half minutes? Indeed, this flight is normally from Loganair Westray to Dad Westray, Scotland.

A city with one person

In Monowi, Nebraska in the US, Elsie Eiler is the main individual living here. She possesses the main café around here and goes about as the civic chairman, secretary, and representative as well. She is her VIP in the little city. In the eatery, she cooks and takes care of herself or any guests who visit the zone.

Two different zones hosting different species with the same degrees and conditions

In Ireland, 53 degrees north, palm trees develop serenely while in Canada, 55 degrees north, polar bears are available. A great reality that many persons won’t ever comprehend.

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We trust you loved these Geography fun Facts.  If you love to want to learn more we invite you to check out these geography trivia games, which can educate you about the geography of the world.

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