Squid Game on Netflix: That ending explained and your burning questions answered

Squid Game

In Squid Game, the upsetting yet interesting hit Korean series on Netflix about a dangerous competition of youngsters’ games, the actual opposition winds its direction to a grisly goal. Yet, that doesn’t mean every one of our inquiries gets settled by the end. Here are replies to eight consuming Squid Game inquiries watchers might have after watching the tragic show.

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Warning: The following story includes huge spoilers for Squid Game, so if you haven’t watched all nine episodes, come back and read this after you’re done. You don’t want to be spoiled for some of the plot twists.

1. When did Squid Game come out?

The nine-scene series was released on Netflix on Sept. 17. Netflix says it denotes the real-time feature’s greatest series dispatch of all time.

2. Will there be a season 2 of Squid Game?

If you’ve watched the entire show (recollect that spoiler cautioning above), you realize the game doesn’t end with the 10th scene. It proceeds, and the eventual fate of “champ” Seong Gi-hun (played by Lee Jung-Jae) is left dubious. Will we at any point realize what occurs after he gets off that plane? The appropriate response is resonating … perhaps. Essayist/chief Hwang Dong-hyuk told Assortment he might get back to big-screen films before contemplating a Squid Game spin-off.

“I don’t have all-around created plans for Squid Game 2,” he told Assortment. “It is very tiring simply mulling over everything. Yet, if I somehow happened to do it, I would positively not do it single-handedly. I’d think about utilizing a scholars’ room and would need various experienced chiefs.”

Squid Game’s prosperity makes certain to have Netflix executives needing more, however, we simply couldn’t say whether they’ll persuade the chief back for additional. Get out the hanging stash brimming with Korean won, Netflix, and pay the man.

3. Was Squid Game based on a book?

It seems like Squid Game would make an incredible novel or realistic book. Yet, at this moment, you can’t go to your book shop and gather up a Squid Gamebook to peruse.

As indicated by Korean mainstream society site Soompi, Squid Game chief Hwang Dong-Hyuk said that he got the thought for the show back in 2008 from a comic book about individuals who were playing a super game. Yet, he didn’t name the comic.

Furthermore, it probably won’t be a solitary comic, because the chief told the Korea Messenger that he “read a great deal of funnies, and was entranced by endurance games.” So until Hwang comes out and names a portion of his understanding material, supposes are all we have. It appears to be probable that Squid Game will presently be transformed into a book structure since it’s a particular hit. Watch out for those book shop racks.

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Some are asserting that Squid Game is dubiously like a 2014 Japanese movie, As The Divine beings Will, coordinated by Takashi Miike. That film itself depends on Japanese manga. It’s additionally about a passing competition utilizing youth games and appears to have some very much like scenes, including a doll that twirls around and attempts to discover players moving.

Squid Game’s chief said at a question and answer session that main the primary game in the film is like his show and that he had been chipping away at his idea for quite a long time before As The Divine beings Will turned out in 2014.

4. Is Squid Game a real game?

There’s no dangerous Squid Game competition, where individuals are killed playing blameless youngsters’ games. We trust. Yet, the title alludes to one explicit game that gets its name from a court molded dubiously like a squid.

The fundamental person Seong Gi-hun makes maybe Squid Game is exceptional to his town, depicting a game that is similar to Red Wanderer and similar to Catch the Banner and is played in a jungle gym court molded like a squid. To win, the assaulting group, who are simply permitted to bounce until they pass the squid’s abdomen, should tap the squid’s head with their foot. Chief Hwang told the Korea Envoy that it was his #1 youth game, so indeed, it is by all accounts real.

Different games played are decently clearly real, including marbles, back-and-forth, and Red Light Green Light. There’s one game that is not real – one in which players should cross a glass span and don’t realize which board will break underneath – however games like hopscotch do expect you to put your feet just in specific squares.

One game gives every player a tin of sweets with a shape embellished into it, and they should utilize a sharp item to remove the shape without breaking it. That is simple on the off chance that you have a triangle shape, not simply on the off chance that you picked the umbrella. Hopefuls, at last, discover that licking the rear of the treats helps discharge the shape.

That candy is real – here’s a YouTube video from PinoyChefKorea that tells you the best way to make it. (Formula directions are displayed in English inscriptions.) Did you get into making Dalgona espresso during the pandemic? This candy is Dalgona candy.

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The candy is well known with Korean youngsters, the gourmet specialist notes. Also, indeed, eaters in Korea attempt to eat around the emblazoned shape without breaking it, however, the stakes for them aren’t life and passing.

5. Is the Red Light, Green Light doll real?

The principal game the candidate play is Red Light, Green Light, however rather than a human pivoting and attempting to find somebody moving during “Red Light,” it’s a super-dreadful monster student robot doll thing.

squad game real doll
squad game real doll

Online distribution Koreaboo reports that the doll wasn’t made for Squid Game, however, that it previously was in plain view at the Jincheon Carriage Exhibition hall Experience Town, otherwise called Macha Land, a historical center in Chungcheongbok-do, South Korea, a few hours from Seoul. Koreaboo says the doll has now been gotten back to the historical center, yet some way or another is missing one hand. Hello, those games were unpleasant for everybody.

Sanctum of Nerd directed us toward tweets from occupants of the Philippines noticing that a form of the doll was essential for a Netflix show in a shopping center there, and its head twirled around.

6. That Squid Game business card

Squid Game selection representatives gave out light-earthy colored business cards with the game’s image – a circle, triangle, and a square – on one side, and a telephone number on the other. (Ambitious web-based specialists are selling them if your Halloween outfit needs a prop, or make them yourself.)

Author Jasmine Leung clarifies for The Center that the shapes are Korean letters.

Squid Game business card
Squid Game business card

“The circle is the letter ‘o’, the triangle is essential for the letter ‘J’s, and the square is ‘m’,” she composes. “So next to each other, it peruses ‘O J M’, which are the initials (of) squid game in Korean, which is perused as Ojingeo Geim (오징어게임).”

That side of the card is fine, however, the op, positive side, with a telephone number shown, messed some up. Mashable Southeast Asia reports that an individual with that number has griped of getting “unlimited” calls and instant messages. (Let’s go Netflix, you should’ve purchased a particular number and set up some promotion message for the individuals who called it.)

7. Theory about Squid Game guards

The guards in Squid Game don red, and when one’s uncovered, he appears to be a youthful credulous officer. One internet-based Theory attempts to clarify how the gatekeepers were recruited. Lead character Seong Gi-hun plays a game called ddakji with an enrollment specialist for the game. (Ddakji is a conventional Korean round of flipping paper tiles- – similar to Plays of the game.) Gi-hun picks blue paper over red. It appears to be arbitrary, yet one Theory asserts it’s not.

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Squid Game guards
Squid Game guards

“So there’s a Theory in Squid Game where Gi-Hun picked the blue card from the sales rep (Gong Yoo) and afterward woke up in a blue suit as a player,” one tweet notes. “Had he or different players picked the red card, they would be the specialists/monitors.”

There’s no proof that this is valid, however, hello, great grain for a potential spin-off.

8. The Squid Game ending explained

Super-spoiler time, since we will discuss the series’ ending. Seong Gi-hun wins, and he realizes who’s truly running the game (you might have sorted it out since we don’t see this person kick the bucket in the game, yet it’s such a delicious unexpected development that I will not uncover it here).

In the wake of managing the game brains, Gi-hun colors his hair radiant red (like the gatekeepers’ outfits, however that is presumably not associated). Then, at that point, he begins to get on a plane for LA to rejoin with his young girl. In any case, he detects the game scout who included him in the game attempting to persuade one more on a bad streak man to play. Gi-hun snatches the card, and not long before he gets on the plane, considers the number and lets the individual know who answers he will find them. Spin-off? Regardless of whether the chief doesn’t appear to be in a rush, the arrangement is ideal for one.

Also, we should discuss the siblings. Cop Hwang Jun-ho (Wi Ha-Joon) penetrates the game, chasing after his missing sibling In-ho. Jun-ho gets away from the game compound however is killed by The Front Man, who’s sort of the chief of the game. Furthermore, The Front Man is uncovered to be … Jun-ho’s missing sibling, who we previously scholarly dominated the match in 2015.

The siblings could return in a continuation, as well. Jun-ho was shot in the shoulder (prior before off a precipice into water). So he probably won’t be dead, however, he doesn’t appear to have betrayed the game driving forces to his kindred cops, since the game is proceeding. It wouldn’t be the main demise counterfeit out in this show.

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