Founder Osman Turkish serie season two !.!.! The series founder Osman of the most important Turkish series distinctive and famous, and is currently looking for many people who always want to follow the Turk continuously, and the company is currently presenting many promotional offers for the second season, and also appeared the most important heroes of the series, the most important of which is the famous Turkish artist “Burak Ozjivet” and he presents the role of “Osman”.
Heroes of the series
Othman al-Turki series season two !.!.! One of the most important heroes of the series for the second season is the Turkish artist “Junaid Arkin”, who has missed many screens for many years, and plays the role of the president of “White Beard”, and the company announced the date of the show of the 28th episode, which is considered the first episode of the new season, and be starting from October 2020.
Events of the Turkish series Osman
The events of the Turkish series Osman !.!.! The second season of the series is supposed to be shown on the Turkish channel ATV, and it is translated into Arabic and shown on many Arabic channels because a large number of people want to follow it a lot, and the first season of the series saw high viewership in many parts of both Arab countries and entire Arab parts. The entire series will be shown in Arabic on The Story of Love Tube.
It is one of the most important Turkish series that comes at the head of other series, a Turkish series that tells the antiquity of the Turks, as Osman established a strong army facing the largest armies of this time, namely the Mongols, Crusaders, Persians, Romans, and others.