4 Ways to Maintain Normal Testosterone Levels Naturally

Testosterone Levels
Testosterone Levels

Low testosterone levels can cause a host of debilitating side effects. The good news is if you’re dealing with low T levels, there are things you can do to boost (and maintain) them.

Also Read: 7 Foods That Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels

Keep reading to learn natural ways to maintain normal testosterone levels.

1. Choose the Right Foods

It’s no secret that eating well is a major factor in one’s overall health. It’s also a key factor in maintaining your testosterone levels.

Right Foods
Right Foods

Studies show that low testosterone levels and excess weight can cause inflammatory conditions.

Follow a diet that focuses on whole foods with a healthy balance of fats, carbs, and proteins. Pack your day full of testosterone-boosting foods like:

  • pomegranate
  • spinach
  • tuna
  • pumpkin seeds
  • oysters
  • cruciferous veggies
  • ginger
  • whey protein
  • low-fat fortified milk

Each of these foods contains vitamins and minerals your body needs to maintain testosterone levels.

2. Do the Right Exercises

Another component of overall health and hormone balancing is exercising.


Not all exercise routines are created equal, though. This is especially true when it comes to increasing testosterone. Research shows that high-intensity interval training can boost your T levels.

One study found that men who choose HIIT over steady-state cardio had higher testosterone levels.

Resistance training is another activity you should consider adding to your exercise regimen. Not only will it help you build muscle and burn fat, but it can positively impact your testosterone levels, too. Even one 30-minute lifting session can improve your levels by 21%.

3. Reduce Stress

Chronic stress can cause many side effects that are detrimental to your health.

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Reduce Stress
Reduce Stress

Studies show that stressful events can cause erratic changes to testosterone levels. Lower levels of T can also cause stress, leading to a vicious cycle that’s hard to break.

Lowering your stress can not only boost your testosterone but also improve your sexual function. Learn more here about how your T levels can affect your sex life.

Make the decision every day to work towards reducing your stress levels. You can do this by exercising, meditating, doing yoga, getting massages, reaching out to a loved one, or going for a walk.

4. Take the Right Supplements & Medication

Supplementing your body with the right vitamins and minerals can have an impact on your T levels. Vitamin D, the form of daily supplement or direct sunshine, can correct a deficiency and boost your levels.

Supplements & Medication
Supplements & Medication

DHEA is a hormone that drops as we start aging. Supplementing with DHEA can produce a small, but effective, boost in testosterone. You should pair this supplement with fish and flaxseeds to help your body use the DHEA it makes.

Men deficient in magnesium may suffer from low testosterone levels. If this is the case for you, supplementing with magnesium can help to get your levels back to normal.

You should also take a look at the medications you’re taking to see if they’re the cause of your low levels. Some medications, like those that lower cholesterol, may also reduce your T levels. Never stop taking the medication without first speaking to your doctor.

Get Back to Normal Testosterone Levels

You don’t have to resign yourself to a life with a low sex drive, fatigue, and depression. Our tips to maintain normal testosterone levels will help you reclaim your life.

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Keep reading our health blogs for more tips on living your healthiest life.

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Hello! My name is Mr. Robert James. I am a content writer & full-time professional Web Designer and Developer specially WORDPRESS with vast experience. I started my graduation in 2014 and graduated in 2018. I'm a professional article and blog writer, has written dozens of content on different topics and worked with professionals all over the globe. My passion for exploring technology and gathering unique information for the benefit of others has led me to pursue a career in news reporting. I take pride in providing timely coverage of the latest news across Pakistan as a personal hobby and professional responsibility."

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